This in-depth analysis sheds light on aberrations and secrets that have been well kept until now by the small world of vocational and career guidance professionals. Not everyone will like it. Chances are this will be reflected in the comments!Want to know what's what with all those career methods and which one to choose ? Stressed about the emotional and financial cost of making the wrong choice or failure?
Career Coach for 15 years Philippe Vivier describes and analyzes with concrete and real life examples common misconceptions, tricks and secrets within the orientation industry.
He explores and compares in a simple and sensible way what are the limits and results you can expect from the different methods, from career guidance, to vocational tests and career assessments to guidance counseling.
He examines and demonstrates which methods really help you choose a career and profession and those you should absolutely avoid.
It's a serious subject but you can safely expect to laugh one or two times, or so he hopes. You'll tell him in the comments;)
You found the career book that will give you the knowledge to make sure you don't waste time or money.
To be the big winner of this game where you bet your professional life, read this book!
Is this work totally exhaustive in the purest sense of the word?
No, it is a question of getting to the heart of the matter and answering the most pressing questions from parents and students by assessing the most representative existing methods. Because, well, we're all very busy. We are not going to review all the new methods with nebulous foundations that only originate from their author's imagination.
Is this analysis strictly scientific?
Of course not, it must remain pleasant to read and accessible to everyone, but rest assured, it is still based on facts and elements, observable, real, and presented as and when needed for demonstration purposes.
It's hard to imagine the work required to set up serious guidance experiments conducted by psychological researchers, with controllable variables and follow-up over 20 years or more, on a sufficiently representative sample of students. This is probably impossible otherwise we can guess that all the experts in state research centers on these issues, of which the author is not a part of, would have published a guide for the public based on these questions a long time ago.
But then, what can you expect in this book?
A fine analysis of guidance methods, their limits and their interest so that you stop being fooled by the guidance industry, concentrating on the essential, because you have understood it, it's important not to waste anyone's time.
It has been traduced from French in English and Spanish and is sold in over 790 countries.
Philippe Vivier, Psychoanalyst and Coach, expert in career coaching for 15 years is President and founding member of “Association Française du Coaching Scolaire et Etudiant”. He graduated from the University of Paris VIII in O
Genre: Parenting
Book Length: 60-150 Pages