The Music of You and Me: A Clean and Wholesome Romantic Novella (Canterbury Romance Series Book 3)
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Because of a medical condition, Tara believes she’ll never have a family of her own. Travis has other plans.Tara has come to her aunt and uncle’s farm where she intends to live a quiet life teaching music surrounded by people who love her and understand the limiting nature of her condition. Even her father left after witnessing her first episode, how can she expect anything more from anyone else? Travis knows from the first moment he meets Tara that she’s exactly the woman he and his son need in their lives. Touched by her gentle humor and kindness, Travis sets out to win her over. But it will take a Christmas miracle to change Tara’s mind. Despite her musical abilities, Tara intends to live a sheltered life. Her goal--to become an online tutor where her interaction with the rest of the world is minimal and highly controlled. Travis is a single father with a thriving veterinarian practice. He thinks he has everything he could ever want, and more than he can handle until he meets Tara. He suspects she harbors secret pain, but as a doctor, he considers himself a healer. But will he be the one who ends up getting hurt? Poignant, witty, and sweet, this novella proves that love can be perfect even when situations are not ideal, and it only takes one person to pull you out of a self-imposed prison of doubt and fear.
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