THE MASTER KEY TO SUCCESS FOR WOMEN (Mastery of Abundant Living Books Book 2)
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The original writing by Charles F. Hannel targeted the male gender, as in the early 1900s, most of the workforce was male. However, this is no longer the case in the United States and other countries worldwide. With so many women in the workforce and building businesses, "The Master Key to Success for Women" has been made more relevant to the female gender. Goldwell desires to help women toward self-empowerment so they can succeed in any field they choose, just as their counterparts have done for decades. The original writing has been updated to include the female gender, addressing their specific needs and concerns. For example, the original Master Key System addressed a man's ability to build promising careers and businesses. The new master key to success system addresses a woman's need to create healthy relationships, make their dreams become a reality, and upgrade their financial status. This system is also intended to be a supplemental tool to help women build a healthy relationship with themselves as a woman. The keys to success address women and how they can use the master key to build their lives and businesses. This unique writing aims to give women a better understanding of the master key system and how they can use it to upgrade their lives and businesses. Goldwell has included the complete contents of his book, "Get Rid of Fear in 3 Minutes." Goldwell believes that before any Significant advances can be made in the Law of Abundance that one must shed any fears, they have to maintain a higher vibration that will attract their most fantastic wishes. Claim a copy right now to begin a new and exciting life of abundance.
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