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Sins of Omission by L.j. Breedlove

WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO KEEP A SECRET?Bob Anderson ­­— local banker, city council member, and now murder victim — had the goods on a bunch of people in Plains City, Texas. Everybody wants those files; no one can find them. Katy Williams was hired to make the Plains City Gazette into a modern newspaper. She's got enough on her plate with the newspaper, a Texan boyfriend, and Texas in general — she tells her friends back home these are her foreign correspondent years. She's understaffed, overworked and just grateful to get the newspaper out every day. Someone wants Bob Anderson's files bad enough to kill. He's killed once, and he's willing to do it again to keep his sins hidden. Unfortunately for Katy, the murderer and half the town want those files, for all kinds of reasons. And they all think she has them. She doesn't. But how do prove that? Katy can either find the files and publish, or she can end up as the next victim of a very determined murderer.
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