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Shattered Hearts by Cassia Leo

From best friend to first love…Then, his stardom tore them apart. Now he’s back, and her explosive secret threatens their second chance. The day I meet Chris is like any other day. I’ve been kicked out of yet another foster home. The moment I see the piercing in his lip and the tattoos on his smooth skin, I know I won’t last long here. I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong. With a patience I’ve never known in my short, tumultuous life, Chris and his mother show me it’s possible to trust again. And when no one’s looking, Chris shows me it’s possible to feel loved. Unfortunately, he’s my foster brother. I can be kicked out of the only home I’ve ever known if anyone finds out about us. But once I set off to college, Chris and I can finally come out. And suddenly, hiding our love is the least of our worries when Chris is offered a record deal. Chris is adamant he’ll never leave me. I know he won’t take the deal unless I force him to.
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