Own Your Awesome: And Step Into Your Authenticity
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Are you ready to step into your authenticity and OWN YOUR AWESOME? The authors of this book have found the courage, willingness and strength to go hard against the grain to step into their authenticity. These pages will teach you how to Own Your Awesome like never before! You will discover: How to reclaim your life in new and inspired ways The methods these experts have used to transform their lives from turmoil to triumph How to trust your instincts and stay the course even in the most challenging situations Table of Contents: Who, Me? I Can’t Claim Awesome By Anne Foster Angelou 1 The Accidental Author By Rose Bourassa 13 What Does It Take To Change? By Deb Brown 25 Is This Even Mine? By Crystal Camp-Kravtsov 37 Where Have You Been All My Life? By Heather Driscoll 49 The Magic of Holly By Pamela Duncan 63 You’re Not Getting My House Today! By Shari Dworkin-Smith 75 Dying and Living in the Dark Night of the Soul By David Ebel 89 Claim Your Unique Blueprint: Return To The Foundation By Beth Eiglarsh 103 Tales from a Reluctant Dolphin By Julie Foran 121 Learning to Jump Ship By Karen Gabler 135 Love In Every Way By Sarah Gabler 149 The Light Within By Jaime Lee Garcia 163 The Re-Enchantment of my Life By GG Rush 177 Living as a Square Peg in a Round Hole World By Patricia Holgate Haney 185 Authenticity is Awesome By Amy I King 197 Way Beyond Fitness By Casey Librizzi 209 Driven, by Cancer By Matthew Mail 221 Coming Out By Michelle & Annabel Marez 235 What Do You Believe About Yourself? By Pandora Pappas 249 Coming Out of the Shadow and into My Light By Ginger Parrack 261 Switching Your Mindset by Trusting Your Heart’s Desire By Elias Patras 273 Make Your Life and Health a Priority By Kevin Pedrey 287 Cancer: Strange Wrapping Paper – Amazing Gifts By Susan Rae 303 You Won’t Know Until You Tri By Felicia Shaviri 317 Came To Believe By Elizabeth Wilde 329 Honor the Landscape of Your Life By Janet Zavala 339
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