Murder One: A Colby Tate Mystery (The Colby Tate Mysteries Book 1)
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>>>>> MURDER, GREED, LOVE LOST, TREASURE FOUND and THE MEXICAN MOB. Rookie sheriff Colby Tate's first murder case draws the ex-Marine interpreter into the murky world of property disputes, family jealousy, hidden treasure, and an old woman smothered in her favorite easy chair. Two thieving neighbors hungry to gain control of her land. A home service provider named as her sole heir. A mysterious source of income that ties her to the Mexican cartels. In this first book in the Colby Tate Mystery Series, award-winning author Allen Kent engages the reader in the same page-turning suspense and intriguing twists of plot that have made his Unit 1 thrillers national bestsellers. Join Sheriff Colby Tate as he unravels his first case of Murder One: who killed Nettie Suskey?
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