Mastery of Abundant Living: The Keys to Mastering the Law of Attraction
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"A Very Easy Read" that will help you unlock the true potential of the Law of Attraction Eric L. Johnston - "This book takes the common denominator in every truly successful person you know and walks you through a step by step process for making it a part of who you are. I am a Christian man who humbly respects the ultimate power of God. This book I found to be a reminder of how God blessings line up with our true desires if we harness the faith, vision, and driven belief we must have for it to fall into place. This is a must read for all of us that want a better life and a great reminder that success is a journey. Thank you Bruce and Tammy, well done." Easy to follow how to: affirmations for daily living attract more friends, love, more clients for your business key to increasing wealth and abundance discover your true potential and more... W. Babcock - "Here's all I have to say...what do you have to lose? Its all about how you think and dream...simple as that and by reading this book and learning how to apply it all, you can achieve goals you never thought possible! Live at the speed of thought! I do and I'm loving it! (I sound like an infomercial I know, but that's just how much I believe in this book! You won't be disappointed!)
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