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This is the third book in the Ken Ross Romantic/Erotic Suspense Series. WARNING: This book is shocking, in more ways than one. After WASTED PAIN & PROTECTION comes the disturbing story of BODIES in which Jerry and his gals are settled in their house enjoying what's always been at the center of their lives, sex, until Jerry strays, and then... hey, things get a whole lot worse. One blunder, a major incident, and then they head to the greatest shocks of their lives. Although they've thought sex is everything, they eventually learn that there is no sex without freedom. Who survives to the last page? This story is not for the fainthearted, or for those searching for sweetness and light. It's damned shocking. It's sizzling hot. Its characters are even hotter. And after BODIES Jerry, Patsy & Erica's adventures continue in three more shockers, MAMA, BROKEN SISTERS, and GOODBYE VIOLET.
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