Strange Origins: A Supernatural Fantasy
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Roving gangs weren’t unusual as the world spiraled, but most didn’t have flaming hair. Phil’s assignment to discover what keeps the Phoenix locals healthy should have found clean living or vitamin supplements—not magic. As if magic was possible, especially in a world betrayed by science. But too much of what’s going on in the Sonoran Desert defies explanation, and not all of it’s good. Between native rituals, demon dogs, and fiery apparitions, people are disappearing. Phil would dearly love to wring answers out of a wack job musician who wanders into his life half-naked and playing a mystic flute. Unfortunately, despite being a magnet for bizarre happenings, the guy can’t even remember his own name. As supernatural thugs turn glowing eyes towards his new roommate, Phil must seek help from the tribes—and decide just how far down the rabbit hole he’s willing to go to keep Phoenix from burning. ★ Strange Origins is a full prequel that takes place 18 years before book 1. Readers can enjoy the story as a standalone or at any point before, after, or during the completed Legends Walk trilogy
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